CHANGEMAKER MOON: Lunar Forecast with Susan Lipshutz [May 15 - June 13]
Changemaker Moon
A lunar forecast for May 15 - June 13, 2018 by Susan Lipshutz featuring tips and practices for working with the energies of the month.
“Stability and change is an inside job.” - Susan Lipshutz
This moon cycle it's time to work with change, let go of fear and build your dreams. We've outgrown something and as we experience shifts this month, it's best to tune into the Earth and our inner landscape for stability.
In this episode of #moonwise podcast, Susan Lipshutz talks about how to become changemakers for ourselves and the collective. It's a time of reinvention when we can release fear and manifest what we really care about. She says, “the story is going to change, there’s a new Earth story in play.” She reminds us not to get too attached to the physical world but to embrace a sense of inner security. She asks, "What have we gotten attached to? What would I feel lost without?" She reminds us to "look for the hidden gems within." She shares tips on how to connect with nature as well as flower essences and stones to work with during the month.
Tune in to hear about this month's opportunities to reinvent our inner and outer landscapes and build our dreams.
Here are some important dates:
May 15 - New Moon in Taurus
May 29 - Full Moon in Sagittarius
June 13 - New Moon in Gemini
Susan Lipshutz, LCSW is a sacred feminine activist with more than 30 years of experience teaching and practicing integrative psychotherapy. Devoted to building strong communities that reawaken and integrate the divine feminine into daily life, Susan combines the ancient wisdom of our grandmothers with her own powerful teachings attuned to the complexities of modern life. She’s the founder of Everyday Medicine Woman, offering workshops, meditation courses and retreats around the world.
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