POWER: Susan Lipshutz on Women's Connection to the Moon (Ep. 1)
Episode 1: Power
Learn about women's powerful connection to the moon and how to tune into nature's cycles in our conversation with Susan Lipshutz of Everyday Medicine Woman.
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In our very first podcast episode, we get the chance to speak with sacred feminine activist Susan Lipshutz about the power of the moon and how women can navigate living as cyclical beings in a linear world. We also talk about:
What the new and full moon means energetically
How creativity is connected to our cycles
How to create a ritual bath to support cleansing
The magic of our womb space
The mystery of the dark moon
Learning how to co-create our lives
The role of intuition, compassion and inclusiveness in feminine leadership
Susan's website: EverydayMedicineWoman.com
Susan's Facebook page: Everyday Medicine Woman
Susan's Instagram: @SusanLipshutz
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