INTUITION: Queen Afua on Listening to the Voice Within (Ep. 43)
“Impeccable listening is the roadmap of paying close attention.”
In this episode of Moonwise, we speak with Queen Afua about intuition and healing through impeccable listening. We talk about listening to the voice of your womb and learning to trust spirit. Queen Afua shares her tips for longevity, immune boosting practices and how to turn your home into a wellness retreat.
We also talk about:
Trusting spirit
Healing with plants
Turning your home into a retreat center
The meaning of the Ankh
The rise of the feminine
Queen Afua is a Master Holistic Healer and Herbalist, Polarity Practitioner, and lay midwife. She is the author of seven best-selling wellness books, including the popular book SACRED WOMAN which comes out this month in a 20th Anniversary Edition. Queen Afua is the Mother of Womb Wellness Movement and is founder of Womb Yoga Dance. Among her many celebrity clients are Erykah Badu, Vanessa Williams, Stevie Wonder, Lauren London, India Arie, and Common.
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INTUITION: Queen Afua on Listening to the Voice Within - Ep. 43 (Transcription)
Dorothee: Hello, and welcome to Moonwise Podcast, a space to find beauty from the heart of nature. I'm your host, Dorte Sophie Royal, And in this episode, I'm honored to speak with Queen Afua about intuition and healing through impeccable listening. We talk about listening to the voice of your womb and learning to trust spirit. Queen Afua shares her tips for longevity, immune boosting practices, and how to turn your home into a wellness retreat.
But first, I want to send a big thank you to our new Patreon subscriber Amanda Stroud. Every contribution helps to make this show possible. You can join us at where I'm sharing a recipe for an herbal lung support tea featuring eucalyptus, moline, and ginger that can be helpful for spring allergies and asthma. Okay. On with our show.
Queen Afua is a master holistic healer and herbalist, polarity practitioner, and lay midwife. She's the author of seven bestselling wellness books including the popular sacred woman, which comes out this month in a twentieth anniversary edition. Queen Afua is the mother of womb wellness movement, and is founder of womb yoga dance. Among her many celebrity clients are Erica Madhu, Vanessa Williams, Stevie Wonder, Lauren London, India, Arie, and common.
Hello, Queen Afua. Thank you so much for being on the MoonWise podcast today.
Queen Afua: It's my honor. Thank you so much for having me.
Dorothee: I wanna just start by giving gratitude to your lineage and the amazing wisdom that you've brought forth into the world twenty years before anyone was talking about these things. So thank you so much for your work in the world.
Queen Afua: Thank you. Thank you for responding.
Dorothee: Some of the practices that are so valuable that you have shared is talking with your womb and asking your womb about its physical and emotional well-being And so I was wondering if you could talk a bit about that process?
Queen Afua: Well, it was it's actually, it happened to me I remember very clearly, I was seeing about thirty five people this particular weekend. Everybody was in a crisis. And I did not. I was absorbing that, and it was having such an impact with me because I'm juicing and eating well in whole foods, and I'm exercising. It's on my breathing.
All of this is going on. But I know it was Friday because it was so distinct. Things shifted. Is about four fifteen on a Friday. And I know it's four fifteen because my dear friend who was working in my lab, my small lab, I manufacture my products, her head was head wrap was tilted to the side.
Every day at four o'clock, she's worked so hard. She's all over the And I know that my day is over. I came into the kitchen lab and her head wrap was tilted, but I was also tilted. I felt this bump in my movement just like it just dropped. It was a heavy drop.
And I said, oh my gosh. I said, I I ordered him out and he said, I don't wanna have his direct to me. I'm not gonna do this. I don't know what it was that made me think like that because I'm always thinking about wellness. Particularly whom were on this.
So I went into the kitchen lab and she said, so what are you gonna do? She's asking me. And I'm like, what am I gonna do out loud, inside, and I heard this voice. I heard this voice say, go upstairs, which is where I do my workshops and classes that downstairs where I've received everyone, my clients, consultation. So where's and then then the voice said, lay down.
And I'm saying, okay. I'm like, where is this coming from? I'm not It's no time to argue and say I'm going crazy. No. Lay down and then said put your legs up against the wall.
So it was like a forty five degree angle. Which is an inversion, which is where I live by every day and told me when I was to invert to restore the womb and to get the circulation back to the breast part of the brain. And so I stayed there, and I then she said, put your hands on me. So I placed my hands over my pelvic area. And then she began to speak to me.
She said, well, overwhelmed. You have absorbed too many people's pain into us. And then she said, you are going to need to go away and do healing. You have to go into a natural environment. I'm in a concrete of Brooklyn.
You know? And so and if you have to do this now, And so then she said to breathe. She started to give me further. She said, go ahead, begin to breathe into us. So I began to breathe.
She said, look, oh, she said, she just kept talking to me through. And then shortly after, maybe half an hour, I was in that position, and then I rolled over, which is how I tell people going to a fetal position. I just rolled over, and they just was taking me. And then I came up, I contracted up, and then I I received it. And then I sat down with my husband and I told him I said, I'm gonna have to go away for a while.
You said what? I said because my woman spoke to me and she told me to happen to. What kind of talk? Well, in the hell that I had to prepare my children. I have three children.
And the two older ones they wanna go, so they stay with their grandmother. And then I I'm the youngest one who's up for everything. And so I told my staff, so I figured out how to keep my stats because my womb have put a mandate. A woman day, she didn't need there was no Do you wanna save us? The basic do you wanna stay and you want me to stay with you or you wanna leave?
This is a hysterectomy. So at this point, it's called I've not asked anybody what their opinions are. I trust my inner voice. I trust this moon talk. And I didn't this was a prescription.
I'll close the prescription. And I ended up just having a different life for six months, and that saved my room. She told me I had to get sun, I had to get the earth, I have to get the water. I have to get my organic foods. I did all everything she told me to do, which is what I teach them.
I also do. And I went and I also was working on second woman at that time to close it out. So when I went away, I went to the Virgin Islands, And I and I told my friend who's a healer that said, find me a place. Wherever you find me, that's where I'm gonna go. So she found me play and call Scott Free.
I said, that's the place. I didn't see the place. She's sitting up in the shop. So I said, Godfrey. That's where I need to go.
It was up in the hills. So it's not I didn't have a car. I'm not driving. So it's not like I can get up and down, but I was able to get up and down because my spirit guides me. So I took my son and I went And I came back every month for nine days, like, birthday.
My my that mine has a birthday. I kept all around the room. And then the other day, I came I went back and I kept working on myself to ask and they said, when during that time, she guided me on who yoga dance? That you see in the book, the woman all began, and also those twenty five movements, and I just kept doing that because I was getting a the sun was cooking my room. I had, like, a little balcony.
So just me and the sun cooking my room, then I will go to the ocean and I'll dig a hole. And I would bury my body into the the earth. Then after that for thirty minutes midday, she said, I have full instructions. I'll go out to the ocean. Washed about this salt water, then I would let the sun cook me, and then I would do my prayers, my warm prayers.
Then the womb prayer started to come in, the womb after nature started coming, just everything around the healing of the womb. It was so deep when I would come back and talked to my husband. He said, do you think everything is about the womb? I said, well, actually, it did because that's the only one you all got here.
So I became womb, connected, womb affirmation, and then I realized that mother knew she is the primary mother. She's the mother of womb healing. She's the great spirit mother of womb healing because she's on the whole planet and to how everyone gets comes through in the spirit. And through women, we have a choice how this world is gonna be. And we raise our vibration to the highest frequency as a woman then when we when we attract the mate into our lives, he's gonna be reflected at highest principle.
When we conceive a child, that soul is gonna come in at the highest frequency. We're gonna feed foods and thoughts into our body. That's gonna feed this soul and feed ourselves. And we're not gonna have what I had, which was preclampsia because I was not I'd have someone like me. And so convicted.
I had it. My family had no clue about how to seek help. And when I was they they couldn't help me. So I helped my I had to heal myself. So that but that was good because it made me study and reflect and study my soul and look at women and I learned so much just observing women and build menstrual flow out of out of that experience.
And I said, we're gonna handle on this. Don't get ahold of the world. We gotta get a handle on this bleeding because we're hemorrhaging. And so that's why our children come in tired. Our children come in with type two diabetes and we're coming in sick and women are suffering and and and thirty hours of labor.
It's all that's just because of the sickness that we have to heal. So that's the wound talk. The wound continues to she can't change the talk. And the women are just, like, so happy that they have the connection to their wounds and that their wounds have a whole life to tell them. And when I tell the womb about their womb, I said, now you have a voice.
I tell them. Your womb has a voice. I have to let them know. Municipal, first floor. And she can speak.
And she's speaking to your heavy bleeding when you're she's speaking to your P and S She's speaking to you, attracting, toxic nature to her. She's speaking to the vaginal discharge. She's having a conversation with you. If you want more information now on how to heal her, heal you that you're gonna have to start having a conversation internally. And so I just ask them, the womb has a voice, that tune into them, have them breathe, into their three room centers, to own their mind, or they think their birth, their create.
To own their heart, or what they feel their birthday, create. The receipt of creation. And when they connect those three sensors, then they're empowered, and then they start saying, said, what does your woman tell you to do it? Did it do the breathing and then let it take? But woman tells me to stop abusing her.
Stop abusing me. I have to in these types of relationships, these topics intercourse, others would say I have to stop eating dead things because she's it's poisoning us. I'll just say, I'm I'm not dancing. I'm not happy. She said she doesn't have to have more joy.
I have to do the things that are more natural. I have to start singing. You know, so they the woman gives them all kinds of beautiful instructions. And then I asked them I said now, will you will you listen and honor her? And they say yes.
And then it comes it starts reuniting them with their soul womb. And it's just a beautiful thing that they're fully empowered. Says, nobody should know more about your woman than me. K? The doctor should just say, oh, you're doing so well.
I don't know where that tool went. You can't tell the doctor, look, I had a womb talk.
Dorothee: I love that. And I I know that you say sometimes the more you heal, the more fearless you are and listening from within. And so it sounds like as the healing process continues, the more trust we have in listening to that voice within.
Queen Afua: Yes. Absolutely. Because we are disconnected all the time. That's why we're suffering. I I it came to me right before I was thinking I have a sister circle with my daughter-in-law, multiple vibrate hire daily, Nela delia, my daughter-in-law, and then Loveland renewable coming over and you see household sister.
So, you know, that that was a very powerful circle. Right? But I said, maybe a twenty four hour before I said, no more time. I had this conversation and said, okay. What would help to inhale suffering?
I I just you know, I I mean, you keep clearing up the way and clearing up the calm. You can hear better. And then I heard impeccable listening. And packable listening because we we do hear, but we hear halfway because we're not we we have to do more detox is that we can tune in. It's like a fire to an agent. If you put mud into a blue, how would we sound you gonna What does the sound gonna be like? So but you you clear the pipes, the physical, spiritual, emotional pipes, everything cleared out the arteries of your soul.
And his or his spiritual level, then you're fine tune to hear the nuances to see from the wound shop in his first eye. And then when he was here, he had to practice you hear, don't go don't pick up the phone today, and then you pick up the phone. So my son's cursing you out, oh, gosh. You're not big of the phone today. Fears that I needed to rest today.
I need to, you know, the group. I need to just a feeling today on my self. And instead, I picked up the phone and got busy. So the just just to begin to practice, and then we hear it, then after what is okay, I beat. I gotta beat up enough not listening.
Let me begin to listen because I can hear, I can feel it because that's the woman's gift. It's her interview. That's on how great it gives. Because I nineteen sixteen, I heard this song. Credit has a master plan from fellow scientists.
When I was seeking myself. And I said, well, what is the place I I said, he said, as a mess. I said, what's the plan? So I'm trying to thought, what is the plan? But the piece that happened is throughout the land.
And so I kept looking. And then I realized over the time that we don't have a part of the plan. Right? And if he can come together with the plan, You do your part, and I do my part. And you all come together in our part so that you become a whole.
But just come from your whole part, your whole that whole part of who you are, and I need the whole part of who you are. And we bring those whole parts together, then we are whole, you know, being, and then we can overcome. So impeccable listening is the road map of paying close attention. And I these last I would say these last three years particularly to write the bookkeeper I haven't listened because I couldn't write. I'm not a writer.
I can see and I can hear and I could feel and I feel people, and then I'll keep studying and reflecting until I get the answer, till I get real clear on what it is. Right? So I'm used to that. I've been doing that for thirty five years for me. But there's another level of impeccable listening where you listen to everything from a divine place.
You know, make one move unless you check-in. So it's a daily check-in. And you could do it. I've tell, you know, second one, particularly, get up between four and six. And it's gonna come through you anyway.
It's now for you to write it down to a member write it down to the next and then move with it. And you'll know the date, the time, the place, the when, the who, the where. And then it's magical. Then you tap into a very powerful magical place being yourself. And it it is a place of freedom and liberation.
So that impeccableness and it came to you. I I shared that with them, that circle, and they've been practicing more impeccable listening. And we can then we'll know how to get out of the matters of what the world is going to do now. Like, right now, I've got a call. I've waited for a call.
From this Black Hills rock. How do you wait for a call? You don't have any connection with but I know the creators gonna send me certain calls. I said, So I so I got to talk with everybody. Look at the end of March, beginning of April.
And I thought she's calling me. Because let me call her quick right now because girl, like, showing me and I called her up and He's so queer, we're so afraid. We don't know what to do in my circle. We don't know how to handle this pandemic. I said, I'm so glad you called.
I was waiting for you. I excuse me, I want you to come and do an hour presentation because now we have to go online and, you know, we have to find another way of communicating I said, okay. Wonderful. Come on. I am totally ready for them.
And I was so like, I've had on the call with such a joy they said, what do you miss Japan? I have I'm waiting for y'all to come so you could ask me a few questions. I have to tell exactly what to do. How to do it? Where to do it?
What food? Which is what bed? What herb? What pred? What better attention?
What color would everything? And I was on fire, and I didn't know. Shoot. The lot if I've gone crazy with joy, if you have some answers. And so I got on the call to speak to her community.
Then, no, she said after that one course, she said, can you stay with us? I stay with them for five months. I can't remember Sunday. I took them to a twenty one day deep dive. I took them to take a room awake and swim training. A hundred women would come on, that people would come on.
And so that went on for five months throughout that time. And then I put together the nine protocols to help to boost up the immune system. When somebody said, well, should you take the vaccine? I'm gonna say yes or no. No.
I do. I said the vaccine is over there. I'm gonna tell you what to do boost up your immune system. I'm gonna tell you what to do to to clear out the lung because of those two symptoms. If you don't have those two symptoms, you don't have the issues.
Right? So now you make a decision on the vaccine. You don't have the symptoms and you look the vaccine has no good way for you. If you have the symptoms. But I'm not gonna stay because Spirit told me how to respond to that.
Ask the vaccine. Who's up your new system? You yourself self care? And self love. And then your doctor said my goodness, what you're in such impeccable and a health during this time.
Okay. So that's how I've been able to get through what we hear.
Dorothee: And it sounds like there's so much trust on your part and it's different than what sort of the mainstream tells us to kind of look to external authority for what to do and to kind of have people tell us our truth. And so what I feel is so empowering when I hear you speak is that, no, like, there's the voice within and and if we fully trust that things really open and flow and and the blessings and the connections and the synchronicities just roll out and it sounds like that's just your life now. Yeah.
Queen Afua: It's my life now. I and you stopped the question. I know I have corporate people around me. I mean, this could be a little unnerving. If you are living like that.
And all your downloads come from that place, and then you speak it. But they've been trusting too because they they went around the field with twenty staff members. So they're cleansing, they're healing, they've been at the end of this has to join some of their own work so we could be in tune with each other and they know how to take it and at least the people with this information and keep challenging them too. And it's challenging them because if you want you to get tuned up enough, then those around and begin to vibrate at the same frequency. And so the relationship and communication is stronger and better than our ego.
It's like it's like an ocean talking to us, you know. And then the ocean comes in, ocean goes out and takes away our stuff when you tell us, take what you're talking now and just well, I thank you, though. She's good. The sun is coming. I'm gonna charge and qualify your new system.
So when you get that in tune, you wanna get that in tune. Because anything outside of that to me is hurt, suffering, woundedness, revenge, hostility, way of the world. Yes.
Dorothee: You talked about how your doctor is sometimes surprised by your impeccable health and I know that you you teach about longevity and the practices that you're doing every day to keep that immune system and keep that health and by fatality. Can you talk a little bit about that, especially in these quarantine times where people are really nervous about their health?
Queen Afua: Yes. Well, first of all, we were stopped saying we were quarantined. That would help. That's not fair. We're gonna say, we're gonna retreat. Oh, I love that. I'm a whole year of retreat. Because if you've got you know how we thought we'd go in a retreat, you know, if you're gonna retreat, you get yourself together, you know, you're gonna learn some things about yourself.
You're gonna just go to new ways, the new possibilities, you're gonna start writing your book and challenge your your your training that you're gonna offer and the product that you're gonna bring out, you're gonna meet new friends, then you're gonna have a whole new path where you can do more meditation and yoga prep. So don't say quarantine any further because that's that right there is the end of the world. The quarantine. Next day is far away from each other. It's possible.
Let's don't have you know, get on the phone, get but we can even have the quarantine in your own family. They're toxic. Okay. What's happening here? No.
Recheek, because if you retreat now, What are you doing? Get juicing together as a family. What? Making vegetables soup? You make the soup?
I'll make the salad. You come up with avocados, I'll make the tea. You you run the bath out, you know, out of the yoga. So you have a retreat and I've laid it out. How to have a retreat in your home.
Have and then then you can now dedicate your home. Now that they're sending us home, because they said, we if we were overloaded, we don't have enough machines, we don't have we don't have we don't have enough staff, but that's perfect because now we get a lot of sales. It's all the great set it's called the grand set up for for the buying order. Because you go home, doctor Benjamin, She said she what the surgeon general became of Obama president Obama. She said helium is not only dead.
I just love her to do. Who is not only done in hospitals and clinics, keep a certain general. Nothing is also done in your home, in your in your spiritual houses. Whoa. So what is that?
That comes back to nineteen sixties. All power to the people. Go home and kill yourself. You won't hurt yourself, you go quarantine. Now, you're gonna do that.
You're gonna eat junk, you're gonna eat fried, you're gonna eat out, you're gonna eat madness, you're gonna drink, you're gonna get high, you're gonna numb out. You're gonna do you're gonna bust. You're gonna fight. That's quarantine. You're gonna rip your house apart.
You're gonna rip yourself. I saw a woman on on social media, and she was in her car smoking her cigarettes, and she was a nervous red. She said, like, he's chilling about to make me crazy. I'm about to go outside their head. The president better do something about this.
I did it. I said, wow. And she was just ranting how enmashing and she got to get the deal all day long. And now she doesn't know how to function. Okay.
Now, that is called quarantine. That's the that's the the depths of it. What happens if that same one is that? I'm gonna be rude. I have a plan for my children.
So right now, go making your home a wellness center is the thing to do. That's what I teach. I have a on a virtual training, set up your kitchen as an nutrition kitchen laboratory. So you have your herbs, your spices, you have your vegan products, all in labels, and jars, and it's just beautiful. Lauren London came over a few weeks ago. And she said, I want one of those. Look, I have all my little jars of my herbs that labeled nicely. Because they're all this medicine, but it makes the food taste good, but it's medicine still, natural medicine plant based. And then I have my jars for my grains, the grains that I use, and I have my jars, old school, or the protein choices. Right?
So it's all set up. And it's encouraging. So you have your setup, you have your juice, you have your blend, you have your straight up and your tea, you have your standing still your cast iron pie. Have everything set up. You have you have your dehydrogen if you wanna go that day.
So your kitchen is now set up for your healing work for you and your family. Right? Then you and I walk you to I give you twenty recipes. So exciting different ways you're gonna approach, simple ways you're gonna approach it. Any and everybody can do.
Now I walk you to the bathroom. And I I give I create a hydrotherapy altar. All the one of the things you can have in the bathroom to bounce out your emotions. So in the catching your rejuvenating and self inflicted. In the back, you're just stressing and letting go of the stress and anxiety and getting one tune.
So from bats, to analysts, to nose visits, to hard cold showers, all that work. Then I walk into your living room, And that's when you do your meditation, and your journaling, and your affirmation, and your movements, and your yoga then I take it to the bedroom. And that's what you do, you're inversion, and you put your clay packs on, you just sleep with, and you cast all packs. These are things you do. So your entire home now is not just something you just fall out.
And just look at some television or scrolled to what's happening in the world. No. You go home and you heal. So this is a cheap time that we're in now. I'm finishing up in my book.
I rewrote the book for the whole building. That's when you have more time to take care of you, to focus on your your family. That's all that. Takes the stress of the pandemic because every day you're boosting your immune system up. And it's what you're eating, it's what you're drinking, it's not gonna just take take something and then you're done.
You're not done. It's a way of life.
Dorothee: That's incredibly powerful. And I hope that everyone listening can takes that advice and turn our homes into a retreat center, a sanctuary for wellness.
Dorothee: One thing that I love that you say is that God is talking through the plants and through the herbs. And I know that, you know, you help people really reconnect to those healing foods. And I was wondering if you could talk more about that.
Queen Afua: Well, when I base well, first, I wanna give honor to Doctor Moore, Doctor John Moore, he passes, his now and then says, still passed, maybe twenty years ago. I took him one as my grandfather, as my future grandfather, he was a herbalist at that time, fifty years. And as a teenager, I had chronic asthma allergies. PMS, headaches, pain in my shoulder, cosmetic pain, eczema, I was really a hard mess. I was living once all American died and talked to me and flashing Gary and Fried.
I don't even know if Michael Wagon was there. That time, but I was getting everything that was not old. And I went on the healing and treat. They completely changed my life, turned me totally around. And I I got up the bus.
I was gonna be asking, I hate the allergies, and then I Spirit told me that was when I first heard the voice of the most I talked to me and give me a form gave me a form of eat the oranges, the gray foods. Hey, the rosehip tea was able to buy them a seat, whereas by the kitchen. And I started taking that and I took water. And then I just walked past this class at this achievement that doctor Moore was given. He's a master herbalist.
And he starts talking about the healing of the plasma. Meanwhile, I'm wheezing and scratches on my eczema and, like, scared to to death because I didn't take my medication with me. I was on prescription drugs. So he's talking all this mystical talk about the healing in the plan, and he talks to the plan, and he's connected And I'm saying, well, who is this? And he's he's giving these testimonies that I've never read about.
I've never heard about I did I picked up back to eating back, and I I saw a little bit of that before I came. But he was the embodiment of it. So I just took that in emotionally. And I said, maybe it's it's possible. I don't I don't know what could happen to me.
It was like, dawg hit in the red. You think, you know, I can have somebody that got the ten man, you know, a heart and and, you know, the lion. The hell, I don't know how to say man of grain. Whatever. I was looking for I was seeking myself.
That night, I sat up and I the heat from the fire. So I learned it's it's it's all in nature. It's everything in nature. It's the water. Air fire water earth.
That's how I live. Air fire water earth is what your body is made up of an ego because it's which is your mind, your consciousness. So every time I see someone, I'll do an energy reading on them, do the radiometer. Everyone has a body a WiFi, you pick up the feel. And just ask the question, what's happened to air, fire, water, now there's a plant in the kingdom, kingdom, that have air, fire, water, and earth.
For example, red COVID is fire. Danaline is the earth. Eucalyptus is the air. That's to be I'm thinking about another plant for the water, but there's another plant for the world. But I'm thinking about vegetables, cucumbers, wheat, and grass seeds.
But bottom line is that every element is in you or your elements need healing. And if you not if you feed those elements into the body, some people just dehydrate. So that's why they're in pain. Once you're in pain and that they would just begin to pour one burned to their body, bathing in it, then they would hydrate their body, and their heart's open up and flexible. So that's then is planned.
But then there's what about the sunlight? We're even told by science that the virus is less if you the sun is closer to the earth. And so when when it was warm, it wasn't as intense as I was calling really intense when when it's cold. So you go out and get some sunlight and get that vitamin d. And that's the fire element.
And then you want to take a live foods, so you wanna have the air element, so you have foods that have oxygen in them. So you wanna have seventy five percent or a hundred percent live food, salads, and fruits, and such. So I really am an elemental And in that element, so teaching, I talk about these are the herbs for all the elements. You can come you come to the healing to the herbs. You come to the hill and to the vegetables, specific ones for each of those, cranberries or the berries.
That's the that's the blood. Building. The for the earth, it's all the green juices from the kale to the chard. For the longest, the gold, is the is the leeks, it's salaries. It's the garlic.
I mean, it's the garlic and the leeks and the onions. So all the there's vegetables for that. Then there's water treatment. That handle all of those elements. Then there are prayers that you can use for all those elements.
Then there are movements, which is why I do me over there. I think you spell those elements. So I'm more than elementalist.
Dorothee: So it's about balancing the four elements within your own body.
Queen Afua: Exactly. Yes. And inside of that, you can use herbs. You can use crystals. You can use mud.
You can use oils, or a moment therapy, all of those, they come into that realm. I'm I'm glad that we have this whole conversation because you'll remind that I do have to put out this chart and I only teach I just saw a teaching and a great practitioners there. Students that that I teach them how to do twenty one day detox for groups and how to do private consultation. So I put together a chart specifically for them to see how I work. And I am going to unearth that chart so that everyone can see that because I remember back in the day around nineteen eighties or so, I took this herbal class I forget the teaching, but I was so impressed with this chart.
We had this new huge chart with you had the herbs on the side of it. And it really touched my heart and I looked at it and I posted it in my home. And it's like it's bringing me back to that chart that I I have a master chart. For the elements that I wanna get to everyone. And so you're just bringing me that right now through this conversation.
So it's not gonna be just the earth. It's all the elements.
Dorothee: I can really attest to this because I recently started to eat more living foods and doing more juicing in the morning and the difference in not only my health, but my just energy levels, like, not needing to drink caffeine in the morning and waking up invigorated and being able to sleep well. And I even started to think like, oh, I'd like to start going running and I haven't had energy for that in the past, you know. So and then the secondary benefits of, like, your skin starts to glow. Some people told me my eyes looked lighter and, like, it just it's it's wild and it's it's kind of counter to what, again, like, the mainstream is, like, convenience and sugar and all these things once you kinda go that direction, the benefits are so great that you don't really miss, like, the chocolate and the coffee and the whatever. So
Queen Afua: Yeah. Well, you know, the thing about it, everybody would like to feel just how you express that. They want that. The only thing that they're addicted -- Yeah. -- and the habits and not even just started with themselves -- Mhmm.
-- is passed down in the in the blood. To the DNA. The family's eating that way. The family's living that way. They're having the toxic experience.
And so the baby that looks so interesting and pure, beautiful. It's coming to the world with the DNA of the family, the grandpa, the high blood pressure, the mother, with diabetes, the father was stressed, so it's already there set up. And now they give the child, the baby the food, and they just grow in it, just deepens, and so it's a bunch of rations to the neck. So we have to clean up the blood. We have to actually get new blood.
When you clean out the blood, which you do have to mostly bidders, and you do a consistently. And if you clean out the blood, you clean out the cravings, so you want the fight. So I've tell people if you if you go, if you wanna eat those things that are poison, once I educate you and you say, okay, you said I'm aware. This dairy is gonna grow, this tumor. Or gonna cause me to have lung congestion or a sinus congestion or a brain fog or this shouldn't have been stressing and my bones are gonna hurt.
And I'm gonna be quick to anger. And this meat is gonna make me feel more violent and rageful. So now that you know this, no judgment. What you do is begin to implement the alternatives. So instead of having maybe chicken egg that you have black beans that you sold overnight, you have some black whites or some brown rice and, you know, just transition.
And you start to and you have you again, it's chicken. You move the skin, eat it during the middle of the day, and then the next day you have some lentil soup and then you put awkward. And you just start moving yourself into it so you don't have to stop and just lock down. I'm not gonna do like I did. Honey, when I woke up, I stopped everything in New England.
I said, oh, I want I want my love. Okay. I wanna breathe without being on drug. And even when I was in drugs, I couldn't greed. I would be.
I would was harder to walk. And I'm an artist at that time. I went to dance, and I I went to dancing. But when an ad would attack would get it was really a war in my body. So that wasn't the fool didn't have that that meaning to me anymore.
I really hadn't let go and get into a new way of eating. And I had to see some examples of people on every sheet eating whole foods, and I went and I eliminated that. Lifestyle. So if you come to transition, you're not gonna do it overnight, but you're gonna write down what your goals are, what you would like to accomplish, give you a clear and then you're gonna start implementing the healthier way. And as that happens, the desire is just to let you go out to blood sugar as well.
Dorothee: Uh-huh. So it's about sort of cleansing the inheritance of what even our parents and grandparents may have been doing, and then starting to, like, rebuild health from the inside.
Queen Afua: I love that you said the inheritance. Oh, really glad. And you inherited, you really do inherit that and clearing that out. And what happened so beautiful about that, you could then look back and say, oh my family, my family has asthma. My head moisturize all his condition.
I saw you look back again so I could help those who are ready. And HealthEquity and clear out there. Plus, you have a healthier family? Start to have a healthier family.
Dorothee: I'm intrigued by how you say if they're ready because I know for me, I mean, I was basically born with eczema and all these things, so it's been a long journey. And there there was a point in my life when I loved myself enough to be able to implement the changes. And before that, someone may have been able to tell me like, hey, this would be great for your body, but I wasn't quite there to actually do it and say like, no, I care and I wanna feel good. I wanna feel healthy. I wanna wake up joyful and full of energy.
So yeah, do you have any thoughts about how people get to that point.
Queen Afua: You know, well, it's a snowball effect. You know, just make a little small snowball and Just like little children, do they make a bigger one? Keep rolling when snow comes on. It's like disease has spread. Well, it was already there.
It was already in the body, the body's autopsy. And then finally, people are leaving their body because they already had several issues already. So the immune system got already most challenge. So how you make a shift is you make the shift. You don't wait for your family to do it, you know, if you're friends to do it.
If it is your time, then do it do it fully. Do it with the crystal. Do it with joy. Do it with radiance. Say good morning to people who are angry.
You know, b in such a high spirit, it becomes infectious. They want what you had. They want that piece. They want that piece. People want that.
They want and even show them. I've I've made so many times over the years. It's just somebody come visible problem. I said, give me one minute. Visit me. I'll go in that kitchen. And I just hook them up with tonic ride quick. I did a tonic for j to pick it. I came in with tonic.
They said, you wanna come by. And we'll bring that over to her. I say, yes, get up because she knows I gave her tonic. Every time she came and seen I had a tonic ready, Erica, what I do when she came in. There was tonics coming on up this step, and he had to get something you wanna you wanna give her the issue.
He had to take these tonics. And that she does it. So, well, everyone I it comes to me. My my day to day, my every day, are you the kid? That's how you make it.
I'm gonna make it for you. You can make it for someone else. So we spread wellness. Mhmm. I know I've touched a million people by now because I do it every single day, seven days a week.
And it's not like people said, well, you're a workhorse. No workhorse. I'm living like this. This is my I just for fun vacation. I do wellness for the joy of it.
I do wellness. I have nothing else to do. I do wellness. I will do wellness all all day and every day. If you haven't did a client, I'm gonna be doing wellness.
So that if you if you all I said, we could change the planet. I've I've put together a book of seventy six pillars. And I said, and that was two years ago before this happened, like, two years ago. And I said, I I gathered seventy six years from different disciplines. Those who do them crystal healing, vegan chefs, midwives, dualers, yoga teachers, holistic medical doctors, breathologist said, could be seventy six because the people most of them that I knew and I grew up getting what this word.
And I said, just give us fifteen hundred words what you would do if you would had an opportunity to kill predator. I know it's a pair for the pandemic. But if you listen to the most high, you just could you you'll be ready whatever happens at night and ready. So that by them gathering, others read it. Say, wait a minute.
I have a plan. I can add to that. Methic, I haven't joined that. This may not be in this book, so if a number of us, it's called a revolution level shit. If a number of us will raise up in the realms with joy and not curse, we're not gonna get mad or do not.
We just have to have so much joy that will clean up the planet. So much joy, so much energy, so much being charged up, happy about moving through it, cleaning this madness up with with the high frequency of the foods as medicine, with juicing to heal us, with internal hygiene practices, with hydrotherapy practice. We would use these practices. It was it's spreading. It's spreading already.
Just like diseases spreading wellness is spreading and it's a daily affirmation I have. I have to have a a system come in to work with me. And she would say, good morning, queen, we're gonna we're hitting the plant today. I said, absolutely. We're really in the planet.
And that's what we're doing because we plan every day that we take another day of wellness and healing. So you don't have to if we all do our part, like, what you're doing right now and have me come on, something that's gonna be others, you know, all the work that you've been doing, and bringing healers and great thinkers together. This is what we we're doing at a mass level now. And guess what? People look for wellness.
This is the I've seen people who are just norm just so called normal people. And they said, what's that juice? What should I do? They're looking for the wellness.
Dorothee: So true. And I'm holding your book right here, and this is the twentieth anniversary edition. So you really have reached I imagine a million or more people at this point and I just encourage everyone to check out sacred woman by Queen Afua and there's just is jam packed with wisdom. Like, it's incredible. All the things that you speak about and and so much more And as we close, is there anything that you would like to leave people with?
Is there something that's feeling very potent for you about the challenges people are facing or this wellness that is spreading.
Queen Afua: Start one step at a time. Take one step today. Don't put it off. Don't say when I have enough money, when I quote in this job, when I move, when I need people who can help me.
No. Just start one step towards your wellness. Towage your wholeness. Right now. And that one step into two and call this day.
This is your birthday. This is the day that you birth to a new self. And like a newborn baby, we treat yourself of lovingkindness every day. As you take one of this new beautiful light that you're about to embark that you're embarking upon. So today, you may take a glass of green juice.
Right? Tomorrow you may take a desk you saw back, the one pound of desk you saw. And the next day you may take lemon water, a live water, every morning. To flush out the congestion in the mucus. You may say, you normally need sugar alone.
I'm gonna need the book, Sugar Blues, bowel movements, stuff. People have sugar alone, number. Start to take a little bit of a god day or just have fruits. I'm gonna have a salad twice every day. And I'm gonna put a do I need to help to regulate my colon and rejuvenate my skin and my nervous system?
So start to incorporate these daily practices in a loving kind way because you're newborn baby and this is your birthday and spring of coming. This is woman history, mommy. This is a wonderful time for women to focus in on themselves, give themselves self care. And then strive to be the circle or other like minded women or man or co ed because if we heal in unity, we don't heal in isolation. So whether you gather your friends to a tree or foregather and you gather family members or you get on calls and, you know, through social media, just find yourself in a circle a few times a week to stay focused and to stay charged and and even when you leave my books, take a woman.
Don't be overwhelmed. I've got seven books. So don't be overwhelmed. I do a lot of words. And so you take it like a reference.
You can open up the book to any page. You say, pray on it. You say, most hard. What do I need today to kill me? And then you just open the book up to another page.
And I open this up to so I'm gonna ask, Heparoo, and had her was saying that beauty is not just outside, but it's inside. And the beauty you have to go to where the pain you get, you can pull it out so you can feel beautiful in your life for. And usually, they'll say it began my pain when I was five or seven. And you gotta go over to that little one. And say, comments, we have a place for you.
It's gonna help us. And you take that little child out of the corner under the bed fearful and you begin to walk together. So that's what I want everybody to do. It's like that's the new baby that's coming through all of us today on your birthday. And then because in order to women are the primary healers of the home, of the family, actually where the healers.
And inside of this book is an earth from ancient chemist based on the original holistic principles, which is Vicky, is acting like a lifestyle, color therapy, astrology, reflexology, polarity, yoga, meditation law is H and R value teaching. Again, Native American teaching. We have various teaching along the path. So but honoring that where it comes from, and then take that into the now. So there's an affirmation for the women that will set you free to let you know who you are, why you came.
I will give it to your man. We are the women who lighten the darkness. We have come to lighten the darkness. He is lighten. We have overcome the disjointers.
We are there for those who need to hide their faces who sat down. They looked upon us then. We are the women. We are the healers. We are the women.
We are the healers. We are the women. We are the healers. And when you say that, so wait a minute, well then how do I do this? How do I activate that I'm a healer?
Because when we hug someone and make them feel better, she's somebody a couple of tea who's crying. Or let them sit in a comfortable place in our home and say, it's okay. That's medicine. And medicine is in so many different ways. It's a hug.
It's a playing music that it charges you being still being quiet to listen deep within. But when you need when you start to help more people, you need more tools. So I have opened up and I teach. I teach to come into my school. I teach that over by surpasses.
I teach yoga dance. I teach yoga dance. I teach yoga, women, women, women, women, women, women, I also teach man who, thyself, to my son. Man who, thyself, they have five wounded men that they have to overcome. And my sons who've been overshot who taught medicine man with a spiritual cousin.
They worked together on this, and I'd I'd invite twelve other men, you're a juggernaut. So you have a cute woman, and you have a cute man, then you have a cute children. We had to heal community. And then we had to heal his elders because he had to heal his self. He didn't take care of his health.
Some of his ninety six years Oh, did she text my green light on my twenty one day products? And she manufactured that. Is that the package that So I was saying, I'm telling some miracle things because you are a miracle. I was listening. Tap into your miracles.
Tap into it in depression, rise up early in the morning before the walk, it's busy and just have ten minutes to listen. And you'll know exactly what you need to do to heal yourself and not to be afraid because the credit does have a master plan for your life. If you get into the plan and you start to work the plan, then you will fill this information up your soul. And so I thank you so much home wise. I I just love the vibe of moon wise. Mhmm.
I I really appreciate you so so much. Is this a baby vision?
Dorothee: Yeah. I mean, it's an honor to have people like you on the show, and my intention is to really help women to feel less alone, to feel more connected to nature, and to be able to hear, like, almost like sitting at the feet of the wisdom carriers in in our communities that are not often in, you know, on TV or on mainstream radio. It's like there are these absolute treasures of wisdom carriers and and that's my intention is to to share that knowledge and share just the ideas and sort of open the door. For people.
Queen Afua: Definitely. I love that. Yeah. So if you all do what we can't get to do, we have a hill plan already.
Dorothee: Yeah. It's been an honor, so we appreciate your wisdom so much. And everyone, please go get this book and where can we find you online for folks who want to go deeper with your offerings?
Quuen Afua: Yes. Also, you can get the book. The book is released on the twenty first. People say they're happy, so random house. It's it's a dip they're they're not sure how to take this book.
Because it's been down for twenty years. It's now it's still a best seller after twenty years. But it's been advised that two new chapters in it. They're gonna love birthday their own purpose, their own work. They're gonna love that chapter, how to do it.
Do the birthing ending the birthing blues and getting into the birthing wheel and conceiving your ideas and how to nurse them and then bring them for full life so you don't have crib death of your vision or you don't have a hysterectomy of your vision or you don't have a still birth of your vision as it comes to full. Life and that you continue to grow it and be inspired. So you're gonna enjoy that in the twentieth journey where it took. It wasn't walk in the public book first came up. This is too big.
This is a corporate. It says too big, too black, and too bold. So it survived all of that, and now it's grown. It's growing. It's actually growing one of the last two years.
Dorothee: I believe that it's ahead of its time because only now is more mainstream sort focusing on womb wellness and you're like, oh, I've been doing this. So I can imagine that a new generation of people are now coming to your book and your work.
Queen Afua: And: it's amazing because they when when I'm interviewed all the time, they say, how are you getting women in the twenties and thirties and just droves coming to speak with you? Well, because the work is is ageless and they needed to sustain and supply themselves. And as you on your work, you deal with wisdom. People people have been time tested in their life, and they've been able to hold on because they know it's the truth. So they're looking, people looking, there's a shift, and there's a powerful change that's taking part in women.
Are now we're coming down to our proper position. You know, we were under, and now we're coming up. And that's that's the symbol of the song. The ark that that that represents like is a circle of all of them. Right?
That's the woman. And now and the bottom represents the male, which is the that holds up the feminine principle and then the visions where she's taken out the picture or the woman was taken out of the picture. That's why I saw me women have me the unnecessary hysterectomy is we don't know what to do. My age I hope to live my age. And she said, I I talked only to young women about wound healing.
I said, why? She said, because all of my friends and my coworkers, well, had his direct name. I said, well, you need to talk to the ones who have distributors too. There's something well, we we still have a creative sacred space. That we must take care of.
But she was following the work of the book. I said, well, his his direction was just stop people. Kill them won't be your mind, you won't be your heart, and your seat. Of creation still. It's not physical.
It's medical. It's spiritual. She's still there, and she still needs her love and care. But in this time now, we know, we this work is just so well needed, and I know it. Mhmm.
I'm grateful. Yes. How come I have to teach? I have to give he just worked to practitioners because that's the only way to I mean, I can't do all of it by myself. So in my own vision, I can't hold on my own vision.
But if we work together, I can hold it. We can grow each other. So thank you so much So Amazon, you know, check Amazon. If I can check, they will be conscious, that is the added vertical. Then now it's, like, fifty, forty seven forty eight thousand books were sold in two seasons.
Mhmm. But then what about maybe a hundred left? So their day, I don't want you to get caught in the crossfire. So by the twenty first, all the books are clear. And all you're gonna get is the anniversary book is the anniversary book is what I want you to have.
Dorothee: Thank you so much. And thank you for reminding us how sacred we are and for lifting this up and continuing your work in the world. So I feel very blessed to have spoken with you this morning.
Queen Afua: Oh, so great, but I feel so blessed to be in your company and in your circle. Good day. Have a blessed day.
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