LOVE: Dr. Elsbeth Meuth on Sexual Enlightenment and manifesting your desires (Ep. 4)


Episode 4: Love

Learn how to bring mindfulness into sexuality and manifest your desires with intimacy expert Dr. Elsbeth Meuth.

LOVE: Dr. Elsbeth Meuth on Sexual Enlightenment and Manifesting Your Desires (Episode 4)

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"Just imagine if you and everybody who's listening were introduced to their sexual center as a sacred space. How differently would the trajectory be of the relationship with our sexual self?" - Dr. Elsbeth Meuth

In this episode, we speak with intimacy expert Dr. Elsbeth Meuth about bringing mindfulness into sexuality and how to work with self love to manifest your desires. Elsbeth has assisted thousands of women to create lasting intimacy and fulfillment in their lives and relationships. She is the best-selling author of Sexual Enlightenment and the co-founder of TantraNova Institute in Chicago. She talks about her life-changing experiences with Tantra and she shares a simple self love practice that you can do at home to cultivate more awareness and receptivity in your life. She reminds us to be curious with ourselves and be open to discovery, "it's not just receiving a partner, it's receiving myself."

We also talk about: 

  • Elsbeth's personal story of attracting the love and partner she desired in mid-life

  • How to connect with and amplify your creative life-force energy

  • A science-based explanation of how human bodies are wired

  • Transmuting sexual energy into creative pursuits

Elsbeth has generously offered our community a free download of her Awaken to Your Feminine Essence DVD. Just click the link to dive deeper into these teachings! 
