LOVE IN ACTION MOON: Lunar Forecast with Susan Lipshutz (September 28 - October 27, 2019)

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Love in Action Moon

A lunar forecast for September 28 - October 27, 2019 by Susan Lipshutz featuring tips and practices for working with the energies of the month.

LOVE IN ACTION MOON: Lunar Forecast with Susan Lipshutz (September 28 - October 27, 2019)

“Fall in love with your purpose.” - Susan Lipshutz

This moon cycle, it’s time to get inside our hearts so we can focus our activism from a place of balance. We have the opportunity to embrace clear boundaries, examine our desires and harvest inner wisdom.



In this episode of #moonwisepodcast, Susan Lipshutz talks about the dance of relationship as we move toward the waning cycle of the year. She reminds us, “the shell of the old is the seed of the new.”

She encourages us to slow down and think about what gifts we want to share with the collective. She says, “presence is action, our presence is as powerful as what we have to do.” As the winds shift and leaves fall from the trees, it’s a good time to make friends with loss and grief. Susan cautions us, “now you can start to build but don’t rebuild what you’ve just destroyed.”

Susan offers writing prompts, recommendations for stones, flower essences and rituals to support the energies of the month. Tune in to hear about how we can center in love and move harmoniously in the autumn season.

Here are some important dates: 

  • September 28, 2019 New Moon in Libra

  • October 3, 2019 Pluto Stations Direct

  • October 13, 2019 Full Moon in Aries

  • October 27, 2019 New Moon Scorpio

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Susan Lipshutz, LCSW is a sacred feminine activist with more than 30 years of experience teaching and practicing integrative psychotherapy. Devoted to building strong communities that reawaken and integrate the divine feminine into daily life, Susan combines the ancient wisdom of our grandmothers with her own powerful teachings attuned to the complexities of modern life. She’s the founder of Everyday Medicine Woman, offering workshops, meditation courses and retreats around the world.

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