MASTERY MOON: Lunar Forecast with Susan Lipshutz [March 17 - April 15]

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Mastery Moon

A lunar forecast for March 17 - April 15, 2018 by Susan Lipshutz featuring tips and practices for working with the energies of the month.

MASTERY MOON: Lunar Forecast with Susan Lipshutz (March 17 - April 15)

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"We all have something that breaks us open...and as we search for the pieces, all along the way we find out who we are." - Susan Lipshutz

This moon cycle it's time to clean up and let go. Life is stirring under the soil and dead leaves and branches must be cleared to make way for new growth. As we each approach spring, think about what needs to die so that something can live. 

In this episode, Susan talks about how to spring clean your psyche and master healing through action. She says, "think about the seeds you want to plant." She refers to Don Miguel Ruiz's teaching that in our quest for mastery, we should ask ourselves, "do you want to be a master of pain or a master of love?" She shares tips on how to do a spring grief ritual and recommends four flower essences to work with this season. She also talks about why some people may feel irritated or angry in the spring and how best to prep for Mercury Retrograde. 

Tune in to hear about this month's opportunities for release and inner cleansing in preparation for a fertile and fruitful spring. 

Here are some important dates: 

  • March 18 - New Moon in Pisces
  • March 20 - Spring Equinox
  • March 22 - Mercury Retrograde 
  • March 31 - Full Moon/Blue Moon in Libra
  • April 15 - New Moon in Aries

Susan Lipshutz, LCSW is a sacred feminine activist with more than 30 years of experience teaching and practicing integrative psychotherapy. Devoted to building strong communities that reawaken and integrate the divine feminine into daily life, Susan combines the ancient wisdom of our grandmothers with her own powerful teachings attuned to the complexities of modern life. She’s the founder of Everyday Medicine Woman, offering workshops, meditation courses and retreats around the world.

Dorothée Sophie Royal