RESPECT: Eileen Rosete on Running a Sacred Feminine Business (Ep. 19)
Episode 19: Respect
Learn about running a sacred feminine business with Eileen Rosete, founder of Our Sacred Women.
“Sacred is a word that belongs to all of us.” - Eileen Rosete
In this episode of #moonwisepodcast, we speak with entrepreneur Eileen Rosete about running a sacred feminine business and honoring the essence of women.
Eileen Rosete founded Our Sacred Women in 2016 after working with female trauma survivors for many years - first as a volunteer at Sarah's Inn (a domestic violence shelter) and Rape Victim Advocates (the largest rape crisis center in Chicago), then as a trauma-sensitive, certified yoga instructor at a residential treatment center, and finally as a Marriage and Family Therapist at Northwestern University's The Family Institute and a private practice in Chicago. Experiencing compassion fatigue, she wanted to still help women, but in a way that had the potential to create larger cultural change.
We talk about her path from working with trauma survivors to creating a lifestyle brand that has become a movement to honor women. We discuss divine timing, motherhood and how we can all work to write the feminine back into our collective story.
We also talk about:
Following the spark of inspiration
How men can support the feminine
Why process is an important as outcome
Trauma-sensitive healing work
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